Updated* - Young Birder interview I did with Maclean's Magazine is out.

I did an interview about Young Birders for Maclean's magazine recently and it was published online today. The print article will be published in their September 2017 issue. Maclean's Magazine is a national well recognized current affairs and news magazine that has been running since 1905. I was honoured to be asked to do an interview for them.

We discussed the Young Birder Field Program that I started and continue to lead under the British Columbia Field Ornithologists Association (BCFO).

They used a photo of a Gray Jay at Seymour by Ian Harland. Ian is a 16 year old young birder from North Vancouver who is currently in my program. The photo they used was also used by a Canadian Geographic magazine in a feature on Canada's proposed national bird.

To read the full article please click HERE.

News 1130am tweeted about it as did Maclean's Magazine which was cool! Nice to see so much interest in youth birding.

Check out these cool Young Birders!


"The rise of milleninial, urban-dwelling birders" in Maclean's Magazine