Congratulations to Adam Dhalla who won the 2018 ABA Young Birder of the Year Award!

12 year old young birder Adam Dhalla from Coquitlam, who is in my BCFO Young birder program won the ABA Young Birder of the Year Award for 2018 for ages 11-13!

You can read all about it HERE!
(Check back at the link above in the coming weeks for his interview and award winning submissions)

What an amazing accomplishment! I am so proud of you Adam!

Also if you missed my earlier post about this: 17 year old Young Birder Liron Gertsman was the featured photographer this month for the Bristish Columbia Field Ornithologists Association and you can read about it and view his photos HERE.

Young Birder Adam Dhalla with Gray Jay at Manning Park - Photo: Mr. Dhalla


Young Birder Field Trip Itinerary - 2018


A day of birding with the youngin's