Congratulations to Bridget Spencer and Isaac Nelson & another YB book donation!

Congratulations to Bridget Spencer (Vancouver) and Isaac Nelson (Kamloops) who just found out they got into the Doug Tarry Young Ornithologists Workshop in Long Point in Ontario. It's highly competitive and allows 6 youth from across Canada. It was a pleasure writing references for them both. Other young birders in the BCFO young birder program have done it already Liron Gerstman, Joshua Brown, Cole Gaerber and Logan Lalonde.

This is so exciting for Bridget and Isaac and especially nice to see a young female birder from BC going! Bridget is an incredible birder who is very skilled at bird identification and finding rarities including her best find yet a Redwing in Vancouver! Isaac is incredible as well with bird identification and is truly passionate about bird conservation.

Congrats Bridget and Issac you make us all proud!

Secondly, I wanted to thank Vince Knight for donating volumes 1-4 of The Birds of British Columbia by Wayne Campbell and a signed copy of At Sea with the Marine Birds of the Raincoast by Caroline Knox. This was very generous of you and several young birders have already graciously snapped them up!


Come see Young Birders talk at the Vancouver Int'l Bird Festival! Also registration for the Stewardship Roundtable is now open.


Young Birder Overnight Trip to Cleland Island in Tofino